• Question: If you could invent anything to do a daily job what would it be?

    Asked by Einstein to Alex, Chris, Mohamed, Rik, Victoria on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      It’s not daily, but I don’t enjoy changing duvet covers. It feels like there should be a better way.
      I’m sure there is a better answer though.


    • Photo: Alex Shenfield

      Alex Shenfield answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      I’d quite like a teleporter to stop having to commute to work. Its only 45 minutes, but it’d be nice to spend those 45 minutes having a leisurely breakfast rather than rushing out the door!

    • Photo: Chris Waters

      Chris Waters answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      Compared to how people used to live before dishwashers, microwaves and hoovers I’m quite content with my modern life and the extra spare time I can afford! I’m not a morning person though, so a Wallace & Gromit automatic bed-to-breakfast transporter chute that gets me up, dressed and makes my tea and toast would be brilliant!

      And maybe a house big enough to contain the thing…
