• Question: If you could make anything you wanted what would you make?

    Asked by 322cmmb32 to Victoria, Rik, Mohamed, Chris, Alex on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      A nuclear fusion reactor. If we can solve the problems around joining two hydrogen atoms together to make helium, and efficiently catch the energy that comes off, then the world will change completely.

      At that point clean energy becomes just about free – there is so much hydrogen around (in water) we would never run out. When energy is free, then you can find ways to get clean drinking water to everybody, to travel, to feed the world. Perhaps people stop fighting (or perhaps they start to fight about something else…?)

      Lots of people are working on this – I hope in your lifetime – perhaps mine – they crack it. Perhaps you will crack it.


    • Photo: Chris Waters

      Chris Waters answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      I’d make a replicator like in Star Trek – the ability to manufacture anything (even food) from a few base elements would be fantastic! It’s clearly not within the realm of reality just now, but we are making progress with 3D printing techniques that allows us to create a wide variety of things out of a few raw materials. Engineers and Scientists are working on molecular printing these days; that could be really useful when we want to make proteins in very specific shapes that could be used to treat diseases or make into food.

    • Photo: Victoria Sharpe

      Victoria Sharpe answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      A jet pack
