• Question: What was the first ever thing that you made?

    Asked by J.J24 to Alex, Chris, Mohamed, Rik, Victoria on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Rik Allen

      Rik Allen answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi –

      the first thing I remember making was a model suspension bridge for school – I must have been around 7 years old. Somehow I heard the word “engineer” then and it sounded like what I wanted to be.


    • Photo: Chris Waters

      Chris Waters answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      I’m sure the very first thing I ever made was a mess and racket, but that’s not what you wanted to know 😛

      My first memory of making something technical was when I figured out I could use two aerials to connect my Megadrive to the TV instead of a long length of TV cable. I could then move the console to where it was comfortable since the control pads weren’t wireless back in those days!

      I also used to build electronics circuit kits that you could buy through catalogues or from science fairs – if electronics interests you they’re a great way to get started and learn the basics.

    • Photo: Victoria Sharpe

      Victoria Sharpe answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      It was probably a lego duplo castle…

    • Photo: Alex Shenfield

      Alex Shenfield answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      I guess the first thing I made was weird and wacky creations out of duplo! The first tinkering I remember doing with electronics was making low power FM radios from a kit and being amazed at being able to send my voice over the the radio to a different room!
